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Before 2021, Sindh province had an opportunity to enhance its emergency and disaster response system. Various departments managed these responsibilities, with fire services under local governments and ambulances operated by private companies and NGOs. This situation presented an excellent opportunity to improve crucial areas like building collapse response, flood rescue, and disaster preparedness.

The Vision of PPP Leadership

Inspired by the vision of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) leadership, the Government of Sindh (GoS) collaborated with the World Bank to establish a unified and efficient emergency response system. This led to the creation of the Sindh Emergency Rescue Service (SERS) 1122 in May 2021 under the Sindh Resilience Project (SRP), marking a transformative moment for the province.

Unified Service for a Brighter Future

Recognizing Sindh’s dynamic landscape and its potential for natural and man-made incidents, the establishment of SERS 1122 aimed to ensure a swift and professional rescue service. The rapidly growing urban areas highlighted the importance of this visionary step.

Expanding Reach and Efficiency

Through the SRP and subsequent initiatives, SERS 1122 has rapidly expanded. District Headquarters have been established in six regions, with ten more planned. Additionally, sixteen Satellite Stations are being built along major highways, creating a comprehensive rescue network across Sindh.

Centralized Command for Effective Response

A cornerstone of SERS 1122’s success is its “one-window” service. By dialing 1122, citizens are connected to a state-of-the-art central command center equipped with advanced technology and a highly skilled team. This ensures timely and effective assistance for various emergencies, from medical situations to fire and flood rescues.

Legislative Support for Sustained Growth

In August 2023, the Sindh Assembly passed the “Sindh Emergency Rescue Service Bill 2023,” making SERS 1122 a permanent fixture within the Government of Sindh. This legislative support, inspired by PPP leadership, ensures the continued growth and sustainability of the vital services provided by SERS 1122.

Empowering Women and Promoting Inclusion

SERS 1122 recognizes the importance of gender integration for a comprehensive emergency service. Efforts are underway to increase the inclusion of women in both management and rescue operations. This includes creating opportunities for women to assume leadership roles and developing specialized training programs tailored to their strengths.

Dedicated Gender Desk for Inclusive Support

To address gender-based needs, SERS 1122 has established a dedicated gender desk within its control command room. Staffed by trained female officers, this desk provides sensitive and appropriate responses to calls concerning gender-based violence, harassment, or other emergencies affecting women and girls, ensuring they receive necessary support and assistance.

A Positive Impact

Beyond the expansion of headquarters and stations, the true success of SERS 1122 lies in the countless lives saved and communities empowered. The service offers a sense of security to the people of Sindh, knowing that a team of trained professionals, including women, is just a phone call away in their time of need.

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