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Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif emphasized on Thursday that the second phase of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) would play a crucial role in transforming Pakistan’s economy. Speaking at an event organized by the Chinese Embassy to mark China’s 75th anniversary, he outlined the immense opportunities for mutual cooperation between the two nations in sectors such as agriculture, information technology, and mining.

“We are entering into the second phase of CPEC, which holds huge potential for collaboration in various areas of mutual interest,” stated the Prime Minister.

Celebrating China’s Achievements and Strengthening Bilateral Ties

PM Shehbaz congratulated the Chinese government and its citizens on their achievements over the past 75 years, recognizing China’s emergence as a global power and reaffirming its significance as a key partner in international affairs. He reiterated the strength of the Pakistan-China friendship, stating, “The friendship between Pakistan and China is higher than the Himalayas and deeper than the oceans.”

Notable attendees at the event included President Asif Ali Zardari, federal ministers, diplomats, and senior civil and military officials.

Acknowledging China’s Role in Global and Regional Development

The Prime Minister acknowledged China’s crucial role during Pakistan’s negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and stressed the need for Pakistan to continue advancing its development across various sectors, including agriculture and industry. He praised the ongoing Pakistan-China partnership for fostering regional peace, development, and contributing to global stability, aligning with President Xi Jinping’s vision.

He also reaffirmed Pakistan’s support for China’s positions on critical international issues, such as Hong Kong and Taiwan, and expressed gratitude for the warm welcome received during his recent visit to China. PM Shehbaz described the relationship between the two countries as “indestructible and inseparable.”

Looking ahead, the Prime Minister expressed enthusiasm about welcoming the Chinese Prime Minister, who is scheduled to participate in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Council of Heads of Government (SCO CHG) meeting in Islamabad.

President Asif Ali Zardari Reaffirms Commitment to Pakistan-China Cooperation

At the same event, President Asif Ali Zardari reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to working with China for shared prosperity and promoting global peace and stability. He highlighted the significance of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and its role in enhancing connectivity and bringing prosperity to the region.

President Zardari extended warm congratulations to the people of China on their National Day and praised the country’s achievements under the visionary leadership of the Communist Party of China. He reflected on the heroic struggle of the Chinese people in achieving a strong and united nation, noting that this journey serves as a source of inspiration for Pakistan.

Zardari further emphasized the iron-clad brotherhood between Pakistan and China, with both countries standing by each other during challenging times. He expressed confidence that China would continue to achieve significant milestones in the coming decades, which would reshape the global landscape in positive ways across politics, economics, and culture.

Conclusion: Strengthening the All-Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership

Both Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and President Asif Ali Zardari underscored the importance of the Pakistan-China partnership, describing it as a model of inter-state relations. This enduring friendship continues to serve as a pillar of strength for both nations, contributing to shared prosperity, regional stability, and global peace.

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