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Islamabad, 23 July 2024: In a landmark move, President Asif Ali Zardari signed the Christian Marriage (Amendment) Act 2024 into law during a special ceremony at Aiwan-e-Sadr. The Act raises the marriageable age for Christian men and women to eighteen years.

Key Points from the Ceremony:

1. Enhanced Job Quota for Minorities:

  • President Zardari emphasized the importance of equal rights for minorities in Pakistan. He announced plans to advocate for an increased employment quota for minorities in government jobs.
  • He committed to writing to the government to further enhance these quotas, reinforcing the message that minorities are equal citizens of the state.

2. Legal Amendments:

  • The Christian Marriage (Amendment) Act 2024 amends Section 60 of the Christian Marriage Act of 1872.
  • Previously, the legal age for Christian men to marry was set at sixteen, and for women, it was thirteen. The new Act raises the marriageable age for both men and women to eighteen years, aligning with international human rights standards and addressing long-standing community concerns.

3. Constitutional Accord:

  • The President accorded assent to the Act under Article 75 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, which deals with the procedure for the passage and assent of bills.

Ceremony Attendees:

  • Federal Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony (MORA): Chaudhry Salik Hussain
  • Secretary MORA: Mr. Zulfiquar Haider
  • Members of the Christian community: Including religious leaders and community representatives
  • Senior Government Officials

Speeches and Remarks:

President Asif Ali Zardari:

  • The President highlighted the importance of equal rights and opportunities for minorities, emphasizing their equal ownership of the homeland.
  • He called on minorities not to be disheartened by isolated incidents, reiterating the state’s commitment to protecting their rights.

Bishop Abraham Daniel:

  • Bishop Daniel expressed profound gratitude to President Zardari for enacting the legislation, noting it addressed a critical demand of the Christian community.
  • He praised President Zardari for his past efforts, including reserving a 5% quota for minorities in government jobs, allocating special Senate seats for minorities, and declaring 11th August as Minorities’ Day.

Secretary MORA, Mr. Zulfiquar Haider:

  • Mr. Haider reaffirmed the government’s dedication to safeguarding minority rights in accordance with the Constitution and the founding values of Pakistan.
  • He emphasized the government’s commitment to the vision of Pakistan’s founding fathers, ensuring all citizens are treated with equality and respect.

Context and Implications:

  • The amendment aligns Pakistan’s laws with international human rights standards, addressing concerns raised by human rights organizations and the Christian community.
  • It reflects the government’s ongoing efforts to promote equality and protect the rights of all citizens, regardless of their religious affiliations.
  • The Act is seen as a significant step forward in the empowerment of minority communities, particularly in terms of legal protections and social justice.

This legislative change marks a progressive step in Pakistan’s commitment to ensuring the rights and protections of its Christian community, demonstrating the state’s dedication to upholding the principles of equality and justice.

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Saif Ali Qureshi