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Sindh Senior Minister and Provincial Minister for Information, Transport, Excise, Taxation, and Narcotics Control Sharjeel Inam Memon has said that May 28 is the most important day in the history of Pakistan. On this day, Pakistan tested nuclear weapons with the aim of making its security and defense capabilities impenetrable, the architect of this nuclear technology was Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. As a result of these nuclear explosions, Pakistan’s defense capability today is on par with that of any major country. Shaheed Bhutto and his family paid a heavy price and made sacrifices to make Pakistan a nuclear power. The credit for making Pakistan a nuclear power goes to Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
Speaking at an important press conference in Karachi, Sindh Senior Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon said that the founder of PTI is distributing party tickets, forming governments, and giving statements while sitting in jail. Yesterday, he shared a misleading video on Twitter, portraying Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as a hero.
He said that the founder of PTI is trying to politicize the tragedy of 1971. Imran Khan’s fight is not with political parties, any general, or institution but with Pakistan. This person was imposed on us to work against Pakistan, and he wants to harm Pakistan.
Senior Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon said that an attempt is being made to sell a false narrative by distorting the facts of the fall of Dhaka. Edited videos are being used to defame institutions, especially the one that favored this person in past. (Imran Khan) You are campaigning against the very institution that helped you, otherwise, you were just a cricketer.
He said that this person (Imran Khan) used to praise the army when he was in power. After being ousted from government, he is now threatening this institution. It is an attempt to blackmail the institutions into following his orders.
Sharjeel Inam Memon said that when Imran Khan was in power, his attitude was one way, but when he was removed from power through a no-confidence motion, his attitude changed completely.
During the press conference, Senior Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon showed videos to the journalists and said that these videos clearly illustrate how the institution he once admired is now spreading misleading propaganda against it. The videos clearly show how this person is hypocritical, as he is now propagandizing against those he previously praised.
He said that the founder of PTI is conspiring against the country and is once again misleading the youth of Pakistan. Shaheed Arshad Sharif had revealed that India and Israel had provided him with funding.
Sharjeel Inam Memon said that as soon as Imran Khan came into government, he destroyed the country’s economy by forgiving billions of rupees owed by people. This hypocrite jeopardized the economy and the youth of this country for personal ego. While politicians worldwide engage in rhetoric against each other, the behavior of the founder of PTI is completely different and misleading.
He said that this person was launched to harm Pakistan, and international lobbying firms have been hired for this purpose.
In the press conference, Senior Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon also showed videos of late Hakeem Muhammad Saeed and Dr. Israr Ahmed, demonstrating how Imran Khan is working against Pakistan on the international agenda.
Sharjeel Inam Memon said that Dr. Israr had warned twenty-five or thirty years ago about a conspiracy being hatched against Pakistan, Israel, violating human rights in Palestine, is now accusing us of violating human rights by arresting Imran Khan. Ironically, Imran Khan was his own creation. For the first time in history, Israel spoke about Pakistan in the context of Imran Khan.
He said that Imran Khan, who has been indiscriminately arresting opponents, is now labeling politicians and institutions as traitors. Imran Khan, along with Hameed Gul, approached Abdul Sattar Edhi to seek support in a conspiracy against the government of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto. However, Edhi Sahib refused and left the country.
Sharjeel Inam Memon said that today, Imran Khan is campaigning against SIFC. Imran has launched a campaign against this country, heavily investments made on him. PTI has even written letters to the IMF to stop aid to Pakistan.
He said that Imran Khan used to address Maulana Fazlur Rehman and Mehmood Achakzai with vulgar words, and now he is trying to use them for his own purposes. Imran Khan wants to gain power and have individuals who would serve his interests, like installing a chief minister similar to Buzdar and bring back Farah Gogi.
Sharjeel Inam Memon said that if any chief provides unconstitutional support to Imran Khan, he is prepared to grant him a lifetime extension in return. For those who left Imran Khan, Imran Khan had said that their children will not get married, unfortunately (Imran Khan) you were not recognized earlier, today everyone knows you.
He said that Imran Khan invested aid money from the cancer hospital abroad and now he seeks to divide the judiciary to absolve himself. Imran Khan is exploiting the tragedy of 1971 for his own nefarious purposes.
Sharjeel Inam Memon said that President Asif Ali Zardari was imprisoned for 14 years, yet at that time, no one spoke out against the injustice. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was hanged unconstitutionally, but no one protested against the injustice either. Neither did we engage in propaganda against the country and its institutions. The Bhutto family has made sacrifices to make the country a nuclear power.
The senior minister remarked that we have countless achievements of Shaheed Bhutto, Shaheed Benazir, and the People’s Party. But what do you have for publicity other than resorting to black magic and travelling to Bani Gala in a helicopter?
He said that nowadays there is a new trend where individuals demand power or threaten to campaign against institutions. The People’s Party endured oppression but did not seek revenge against anyone.
Sharjeel Inam Memon said that a person is sitting in jail and conspiring against the country. FIA and related institutions should take action against what he shared from his personal social media account yesterday. I will request FIA to suspend his social media account.
In response to a question, he said that the Pakistan People’s Party never labels anyone as a traitor, but it is our right to present the facts.
In response to another question, the senior minister said that Pakistan People’s Party leader President Asif Ali Zardari raised the slogan of “Pakistan Khapy” at the time of Shaheed Bibi’s martyrdom and saved the country.
In response to a question, the senior minister said that everyone knows that Imran Khan is a product of the same nursery that this person is criticizing today.

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