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Calls for Biden to Step Down
President Joe Biden is facing increasing pressure from significant Democratic donors as he navigates a critical period in his re-election campaign. Following a challenging debate performance, some donors are publicly warning they will withhold funds unless Biden is replaced as the party’s candidate. This group includes prominent figures such as Abigail Disney, Hollywood producer Damon Lindelof, Hollywood agent Ari Emanuel, and philanthropist Gideon Stein.

Response to Debate Performance
Biden, 81, experienced a debate marked by several instances where he lost his train of thought and was incomprehensible. Acknowledging his “screwed up” performance, Biden has vowed to remain the party’s standard-bearer against Donald Trump in the upcoming November presidential election. “I’m not going anywhere,” he asserted at a White House gathering marking Independence Day.

Donor Concerns and Statements

Abigail Disney’s Perspective
Abigail Disney, an heiress to the Disney family fortune and a long-time supporter of Democratic causes, expressed her doubts about Biden’s ability to defeat Trump. She emphasized that her decision to pull support is based on “realism, not disrespect.” Disney stated, “If Biden does not step down the Democrats will lose. Of that I am absolutely certain. The consequences for the loss will be genuinely dire.”

Other Donor Warnings
Gideon Stein has announced his family is withholding $3.5 million intended for non-profit and political organizations involved in the presidential race unless Biden steps aside. Damon Lindelof, who has donated over $100,000 to Democrats, wrote an essay urging other donors to implement a “DEMbargo” by refusing to contribute until there is a change at the top of the ticket. Ari Emanuel highlighted that the lifeblood of a campaign is money and suggested that drying up funds could force Biden to exit the race.

Mixed Reactions Among Donors

Reed Hastings’ Stance
Reed Hastings, co-founder of Netflix and a significant Democratic donor, has publicly stated that Biden should step aside to allow a more vigorous Democratic leader to challenge Trump.

Concerns About Replacement Chaos
Some donors are worried about the potential chaos of finding a new candidate. Ramesh Kapur, a veteran Democratic fundraiser, believes it is time for Biden to “pass the torch” but trusts that Biden will prioritize the country’s best interests. Others, acknowledging the time constraints for a new candidate to enter the race, have decided to back Biden if he remains the nominee.

Biden’s Campaign and Strategy

Fundraising Efforts
Despite the pressure, Biden’s campaign has reported raising $38 million from the debate day through the weekend, mainly through small donations, totaling $127 million in June.

Upcoming Campaign Activities
To address concerns about his age and mental acuity, Biden is scheduled for a rare primetime TV interview on Friday with ABC. He will also campaign in Madison, Wisconsin, alongside Governor Tony Evers. The Biden team acknowledges the debate’s challenges but insists he is prepared to demonstrate his stamina for the campaign.

Polling Challenges

Recent Polls
Biden is currently facing negative polling trends. A New York Times poll suggests Trump holds a six-point lead, his largest yet. Another poll by CBS News indicates a slight shift towards Trump, who now has a three-point lead over Biden in crucial battleground states.

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