→ Press Tonight

Opposition Leader in the National Assembly Omar Ayub Khan on Wednesday set the release of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leaders and workers, including party founder Imran Khan, as a condition for any dialogue with the government

Ayub responded to Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s call for dialogue in the National Assembly by saying, “The environment for political dialogue will be conducive when my prime minister is released. The dialogue will happen when my prisoners are freed.”

The Speaker of the National Assembly intervened, requesting Ayub to maintain decorum, but Ayub insisted on his right to respond. He emphasized the need for mutual respect, stating, “This house can only function when our respect is acknowledged.”

Ayub demanded the government release PTI leaders and workers, including Yasmin Rashid and Mahmoud Rashid, who have been arrested or detained. He accused the government of mistreating them. He also highlighted Hassan Niazi’s case, arguing that the government’s actions against him constituted an injustice.

When the Speaker suggested Ayub had made his point, Ayub persisted, underscoring that Imran Khan was being held in a death cell while previous detainees had access to air conditioning.

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